PhD, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Medical Genetics Research Center RAMS, Moscow, 2012, Highest qualification category in genetics and management
1993-1999 - Kazakh State Medical University, specialty - medical care
1999-2000 - Kazakh State Medical University, specialty internship - general practitioner
April 2004 - Republican Research Center for Mother and Child, the cycle "Actual issues of medical genetics", 156 h.
May 2004 - Republican Research Center for Mother and Child Protection, Laboratory of Medical Genetics, on-the-job training
May-April 2008 - Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, the cycle "Actual issues of medical genetics", 156 h.
October 2011
Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, cycle "Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hereditary pathology", 162 h.
August-December 2012 - Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, cycle "Medical Genetics", 864 h.
2012 - Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Medical Genetics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, 2012, Candidate of Medical Sciences, the highest qualification category in genetics, management
November 2015 - National Center for Medical Education, cycle “Management and Marketing in Healthcare”, 216 h.
July-October - 2017 - Kazakhstan Medical University "KSPH", retraining in the specialty Health Management, 864 hours
October 2017 - Non-state educational private institution of additional professional education “Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education”, Moscow, program “Interpretation of the results of genetic studies in patients with hereditary diseases in patients with hereditary diseases”
2002- 2005 - № Almaty municipal clinical hospital, routine cabinet specialist
2004-2005 - LLP "Center of Molecular Medicine", a geneticist
2005-2017 - Center of Molecular Medicine LLP, director