Doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Science, President of the Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine, President of the Association of International Pharmaceutical Producers
In 1976, he graduated from high school number 35 in the city of Alma-Ata with a gold medal.
In 1982 he graduated with honors from the Almaty State Medical Institute with a degree in medicine, faculty of medical care.
Since 1983, he worked as a research intern, and since 1985 as an assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, under supervision of professor N.N. Mezinova.
From 1983 to 1996 worked as an assistant, and from 1995 an assistant professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical Faculty of the AGMI.
In 1989 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences at the Omsk State Medical Institute on the topic “Forming risk groups for the development of a large fetus and developing the basics of its prevention.”
In 2005 he defended his doctorate thesis at St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov of Federal Agency for Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation on the topic "Scientific substantiation of modern organizational forms of improving women's reproductive health (on the basis of material of the Republic of Kazakhstan)" majoring in 14.00.33 - public health and healthcare 14.00.01 - obstetrics and gynecology. Thesis of V.N. Lokshin, nostrified in Kazakhstan, is the first and so far the only research in the field of reproductive medicine in our country.
Since 2007 he is an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences.
Since 2008 he is the President of the Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine (CARM).
In 2010 he was awarded the title of professor.
Since 2013 he is a corresponding member of NAS RK.
2012-2014 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Scientific Center for Motherhood and Childhood
Main works.
1. Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies. 216 p., Almaty, 2005. Edited by V.N. Lokshin and T.M. Dzhusubalieva.
2. "Evaluation of the effectiveness of intrauterine insemination in the natural and stimulated cycles." J. "Reproductive medicine". 2014, №-2 (18-19), p.19-23
3. "The effectiveness of preimplantation genetic screening of aneuploidy using the FISH method after a biopsy of a blastomere or a trophectoderm." G. "Reproductive medicine" 2014 3-4 (20-12), p.48-54
4. "Assisted reproductive technologies in the complex treatment of infertility in the Republic of Kazakhstan." Journal "Bulletin of the Ural Medical Academic Science." Yekaterinburg 2013, p.20-23.
5. “Glynecological Endocrinology” Volume 30, number S1, October 2014 , with. 9-13.
6. “Pathogenetic features of endogenous intoxication in case of intraoperative temporary occlusion of the common iliac arteries” journal “Bulletin of the Novogorodsk State University named after Yaroslav the Wise” P. 14-17.
7. Clinical practice in reproductive medicine: K 49, Guide for doctors. Almaty, MedMedia Kazakhstan, 2015.- 416s., ISBN 978-601-80151-6-8. Edited by V.N. Lokshina and T.M. Dzhusubalieva.
8. The problem of hormonophobia in the practice of obstetrician-gynecologists in Kazakhstan. Gynecological Endocrinology.-2015; Volume 31 (S1); -p.39-41 DOI: 10.3109 / 09513590.2015.1086505 (V.N. Lokshin, N.N. Kobzar)
9. Handbook "Gynecology" 1 edition. - Doctor's Handbook, Almaty 2016.-506 p. - V.N. Lokshin, N.N. Mezinova, N.N. Kobzar
10. Modern aspects of the preservation of reproductive function in cancer patients. - Oncology and Radiology of Kazakhstan.-2017.-N-p.25-29.-VN Lokshin. Mv Kiseleva, Sh.K. Karibaeva, I.V. Malinova, E.V. Komarova, K.V. Eccentrics
11. Fundamentals of molecular biology (lectures) .- Second edition, isp. and add. Ed. T.A. Muminova, E.U. Kuandykova, M.E. Kulmanova, V.N. Lokshina, Almaty: “Literprint” 2017.-556 s.- TA. Muminov, E.U. Kuandykov, M.E. Kulmanov, V.N. Lokshin
From 1996 to 2007 - Deputy Director for Research of the Almaty City Center for Human Reproduction.
Since 2000 - Director of IVF center.
From 2008 - till present - Rector of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine
From 2016 - Head of the PERSONA International Clinical Reproductive Center, Almaty.