
One of the causes of infertility in a man or a woman can be endocrine disruption or hormonal imbalance.

Therefore, in identifying the causes of infertility, consultation of an endocrinologist is mandatory.

Our clinic will help you

Specialists of the PERSONA international clinical center of reproductology diagnose and treat diseases of the endocrine system that lead to infertility in men and women:

  • dysfunction of the pituitary, hypothalamus;
  • adrenal hyperplasia;
  • hyperandrogenism of various origin;
  • hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis and other thyroid dysfunctions;
  • ovarian exhaustion syndrome;
  • Ovarian Resistance Syndrome (Savage Syndrome);
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • primary and secondary dysmenorrhea;
  • erectile dysfunction of endocrine etiology;
  • ovarian tissue pathology due to somatic diseases.

Timely detection and treatment of these pathologies prevent the violation of the menstrual cycle, endocrine infertility, miscarriage of the fetus, pathology during its development, which in most cases allows the infertile couple to become parents.